
Secret to Success: Why Silicon Valley is a Startup Epicenter

A few weeks ago, I had the privilege of representing Dashmote on a company trip to the Bay Area. The aim of my travel was to further develop our business in the US through meetings with tech partners, talents, and investors. My time in Silicon Valley revealed a lot about the local ecosystem, where innovation is fundamental and ambition is a lifestyle. My goal in this blog post is to uncover what Dutch founders like myself should take away from the Silicon Valley way of life.

Go big or go home. Those are the only options for entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley. Executives are bold and competitive, confidently promoting uncharted concepts. The mentality is that creating a billion dollar market and dominating on a world stage is a hundred times more sexy than owning 5% of an existing market. Since most startup employees have equity stake, the hunger for success is present throughout entire companies. Especially with the growing popularity of RSUs in Silicon Valley, founders aren’t the only ones concerned with performance milestones.

The pomp and circumstance of Silicon Valley is not nearly as prominent in Dutch business practices. That is, my Silicon Valley counterpart would match my rusty bike with a yellow Ferrari. Like many other Dutch people, I was raised to be modest. In the Netherlands, boastfulness is highly frowned upon. The Dutch are quietly competitive, and everyone wants to undercut the Goliath. That being said, Silicon Valley demonstrates that tenacity is essential in company advancement. The lesson to be learned by Dutch executives is that arrogance is a chute, and ambition is a ladder when it comes to startup success.

Although they place a lot of attention on achievement, there is a great deal of interdependence amongst the startups in Silicon Valley. It’s a known fact that 98% of all startups will fail (Dan Feld), so the success of one startup is a pat on the back for the entire community. The “give before asking mentality” has become standard (Donna Weber). That way, failure just means a new position at a friend’s startup.

With startup failure being such a common phenomenon in Silicon Valley, people are fueled by strong coffee and passion. Work takes up the majority of one’s life, so it’s essential that employees be enthusiastic about a startup’s cause. Since the startup setting demands a lot of energy and attention, there is a lot of worker mobility in the community. When employees are snoozing their alarm five times before rolling out of bed, it’s clearly time to move on.

Silicon Valley’s startup ecosystem is extremely unique. Unlike the startup ecosystem in New York, which is focused on fintech and media, the environment in Silicon Valley is extremely dynamic. Silicon Valley’s startup ecosystem is simply the blend of people that are attracted to it during a particular period of time. Permanent residents must bake a lot of welcome-new-neighbor brownies, as the demographics are constantly changing. Locality doesn’t exist in Silicon Valley: The area consists of unpredictable startups, travelling investors, and visiting delegations. Thanks to its fluid nature, the ecosystem in Silicon Valley has almost no barriers, offering a lot of opportunity to startups. Although building deeper relationships can be more challenging, business people are generally more open and accepting in Silicon Valley than other places.

The most notable quality of the Silicon Valley ecosystem is the extreme focus on innovation. Startups in the Bay Area thrive by embracing creativity. Take Uber for example: There was an enormous amount of entrepreneurs trying to develop Uber. The main issue was that nobody could break away from the biased mindset of the current system. However, a solution finally emerged when the company looked beyond current structures. An unlikely model was ultimately the key to Uber’s prominence.


I believe that most successful tech startups practice a methodology similar to that of Uber. They understand that product and customer experience are key, bringing the right use cases (customer problems) to the right people (innovators) with a new mindset. Rather than getting caught up in the novelty of new technology, they create fresh products by implementing existing technologies in inventive ways. By utilizing available technologies such as AI and Blockchain to focus on the end use case, they drive growth through innovation instead of sales strategy.

The consensus is that companies are better equipped than they realize. Many societal problems can be solved with current resources. You can indeed teach an old dog new tricks! (or give an established technology new purpose). The key is in the application: Entrepreneurs need to stretch themselves cognitively, using new technology to supplement brain power rather than relying on it. Once thoughtful application meets advanced technology more consistently, the solution possibilities will be limitless.

NYC: Big Buildings, Big Dreams, & Entrepreneurial Vibes

 While reading a recent article in The Atlantic New York is said to have transitioned from a place that  had virtually no high-tech startups to one that hosts a sector attracting more than $3 billion per year!

So, when and why exactly, did the startup world decide to book their flights from Silicon Valley to New York? There is a quote that goes, “something’s always happening here. If you’re bored in New York, it’s your own fault.” As I learned first handedly on my trip; the implication of The Big Apple being a lively, innovative, and extraordinarily unique city of its kind has been around for far longer than its recent explosive growth of startup sectors. With other huge and competitive cities with foundations for startups like San Francisco, Los Angeles, Austin and Miami; it’s not too surprising that NYC landed the 6th spot for Forbes’ Top 25 Hottest Cities for Startups. With venture capital funding for tech companies exploding by 240 percent over a 10 year period and the city of dreams becoming the new hot hub for startups--it’s clear why Dashmote’s growth market includes and focuses on New York. From connecting and networking with people of various backgrounds, to closing our first deals--it’s truly difficult to say that this city hasn’t captured my heart on a business and personal level. There are three specific elements I’ve noticed, that make NYC stand out as a startup hub and entrepreneurial haven.

The Velocity & The Speed

     New York’s notoriously fast paced, “city that never sleeps”  lifestyle is synonymous with the the fast thinking and movement required when first building a startup. Even when coming from a busy and constantly moving city like Amsterdam--I found it much easier to meet people and schedule meetings in NYC. I was able to schedule 50 meetings in one week while in New York, while the same number would typically require two weeks in Europe or Asia!  People were also much more inclined to not just hear, but actually listen to your story, your ideas, and offer their own advice or input. Noticeably, this mentality of mentoring was much more prevalent in NYC, than in regards to the European startup sphere. However, this also means that your competitor may have the same advantage. By perfectly suiting the startup criteria of “fall fast and move fast”, The Big Apple has transitioned from epicenter of financial disaster to the focal point and home of various startup successes such as Foursquare, Etsy, and Tumblr.

Corporate Startup Engagement

      Along with my own experience with Dashmote, corporate startup engagement is undeniably critical. This is relevant for most startups with the intention of scaling. Since people are more receptive and open to listening to your story and ideas, the question of how easily you can sell your product to a client becomes more defined. When talking A.I. or other technology, explaining your business as the “Uber for X, or Skyscanner for Y”; people are able to comprehend and relate to your product relatively quicker in NYC--which also allows them to shoot it down faster, as well.

Big corporations see many startups as an opportunity to partner, find new innovative ideas, invest or even listen to potentially successful and/or experienced entrepreneurs. As David Kidder, CEO of Bionic, says: it’s either disrupt or be disrupted. This is in regards to corporations needing organic growth--therefore they engage with the startups more in order to potentially make their companies profit on more innovative and creative products. The significance of the engagement being more prevalent, is that both, large corporations and startups would benefit from the friendship. They each bring two distinct and integral skills needed to the business sector. Startups are excellent at producing and detecting the latest and most innovative products, sparking the innovation. While larger companies lack that innovation--yet, are successful at scaling proof of concepts. This engagement and teamwork from both ends deliver a much higher success rate--thus, startups wanting to be based in an environment with these advantages.

The Dharma & The Energy

  “San Francisco is a boring fucking city. In New York, you don’t have to entertain people because the city entertains people," eloquently put by Mario Schlosser, CEO of Oscar--a healthcare startup in SoHo valued at nearly $3 billion. It’s truly difficult to compare any other city to New York. With our own Dashmote office located near the very center of one the most architecturally beautiful and romanticized cities in Europe--it’s still impossible to compare the level of glamour to that of NYC. It was, in fact, the gateway to the United States, and its popular cultural hub remains part of the “American dream”. The energy within the city vibrates with lights, traffic, millions of people, ambition, movement, culture, innovation, and drive. People are excited about what they do, they aren’t shy about loving their city, and don’t remain quiet about their ambition. With the buzzing enthusiasm, you immediately feel an inclination to be just as passionate and extroverted as them. As the famous saying goes: “surround yourself with people who have dreams, desire, and ambition; they’ll help you push for, and realize your own.” The dharma in The Big Apple uplifts you to have a greater purpose in life, encourages you to announce it and take pride in your idea, and allows people to call you on it--this innovative culture and drive only contribute greater to this buzzing city’s startup centered success.

In regards to New York City: “No one lives here because they live here: Everyone lives here because they want to be here.”